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How are these generated?

We use data such as who you sponsor to generate recommendations. Dont worry, your data is secure. You can read more here.

Creator funding,

Sponsus is all about helping you turn your passion into an income. Our all-in-one platform will provide you with everything you need as a creator.


Join today and get 2 months with absolutely 0 service fees. Open to any and all new creators!


Create with Sponsus.

Easy to create

Using an all new, home-grown editor, you can create without limits.

Make it look beautiful

Whatever you make, it will look beautiful no matter what device its being viewed on.

No locked features

Access all that Sponsus has to give without giving up more of your income.


Share with Sponsus.

You control the show

With built in SEO controls, you can tell search engines and social media sites what to show about your content, without having to hack something together.

In-depth, privacy-first, analytics

See detailed analytics without invading your readers privacy.

Get instant and direct feedback

Get feedback straight from your viewers, bypassing algorthms and other suffocating additives.

A complete digital storefront for creators wanting to go beyond.

Sponsus Storefront is the fastest way for you to setup a digital storefront and start selling your content.

Give your sponsors store credit, accept commissions, and more. All with highly competitive pricing, get started today!

Learn more

Earn with Sponsus.

Real content gating

Get easy to use, advanced control over who can view your content. You can limit by how much they give, how long they have been giving, or any other combination. This is just the surface of what you can do.

Global payments

No matter where your sponsors are, Sponsus supports all matter of credit cards. PayPal support coming soon.

Advanced analytics

Get access to in-depth analytics that give you advanced insight into your income.

Thats just scratching the surface of Sponsus.

Developer-centric API

With our comprehensive, developer-first API, you can create apps, lock external content, and more! No more having to deal with complex JSONRPC or GraphQL APIs.

Gift codes

Have sponsors wanting to give off-platform? You can give them gift codes that grant them access as if they paid directly. No more having to split your community.

Ultra fast support

Our support staff are online 24/7, ready to answer any question. You can also have a chat with the CEO themselves on our Discord server.

All this and more without having to lose large chunks of income.

7% service fees, excluding payment processing fees.

Create an account today Special thanks to Pexels for the videos and Freepic for the people art.